
Art Map London is a listings website that lists private views, late night views, and special events in London galleries, museums, and art spaces that are open to the general public.  

Shortest version:
Art Map London's aim is to make art accessible, we do this by listing art events which are open to everybody, and that everyone is welcome to enjoy.

Short version:
I see many educated, well travelled, worldly and opinionated people afraid to have an opinion when it comes to art. I meet many people who want to go to a private views but are afraid to, because they think that they will be questioned on art. If this in any way applies to you then I will let you in on a secret  - no one understands art, I studied art history for 5 years and I have very little idea what the hell is happening. And as for private views and art events  - no one will question you about art - and the events listed here on art map where actually sent in by galleries and artists who want you to come to their events.